WW2 Desert Rats Compressed Download

WWII: Desert Rats is a good example of a budget game done right. Instead of being a substandard clone of a full-priced game, it takes a unique little gameplay twist and milks it for all it's worth. Like most value-priced games, it's a little rough around the edges. Fortunately, though, the central play mechanic is solid enough to support the entire game.
In spite of its desert setting, the game actually manages to provide a lot of visual variety. Missions take place during different times of the day and night, in different weather conditions, and some involve driving through narrow city streets rather than open sand. The graphics are on the good side of adequate. Objects aren't particularly detailed, but the view distance is long. The game has one really cool effect: As planes make strafing runs on your jeep, they kick up a swirling cloud of sand that eventually engulfs you.
WWII Desert Rats (PC) System Requirements
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Step 2:
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